We provide high-quality learning material such as online courses, webinars, PDFs, videos and e-books to help foreign-born professionals find career success in Sweden.


Network Your Way to a Job in Sweden

Get a job quickly in Sweden as a foreigner by learning the unspoken rules of Swedish society. In less than 10 hours, you get a crash course in all the secrets of Swedish society to Crack the Swedish Code™.

You will get access to our Swedish cultural training guide, powerful networking techniques especially designed for Sweden, strategy building,  templates and workbooks, and so much more!



Swedish Networking Culture
An in-depth exploration of the Swedish networking culture that covers communication behavior, social behavior, and personal behavior⁠— making it a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to navigate this unique cultural landscape.
Not Knowing The Swedish Language
If you’re an international professional and want to live or work in Sweden but wondering how it’s possible without knowing how to speak Swedish fluently. This free guide will give you advice on how to overcome this very real obstacle and find creative ways to still get the job in Sweden.
Exploring Swedish Work Visas for Students and Highly Qualified People
Discover visa opportunities tailored for recent graduates and individuals with advanced education aspiring to work or launch a business. Compare requirements and take your next step forward.